If you prefer self study and looking for good study materials for your preparation that can fetch you a good score in GRE then have a look on the below mentioned materials. I assure the quality of the materials is top notch. I'll refund the money if pdfs are missing. You'll get the recently updated material as well(If any).
Pdfs include:-
1 - The Princeton Review - Cracking the GRE premium 2018 edition
2 - Manhattan latest - 4th edition (8 books)
3 - Barrons new GRE 19th edition
4 - Kaplan GRE preparation 2019 - latest edition.
5 - Grubers Complete GRE Guide - 4th edition.
6 - ETS official Guide to GRE
7 - ETS Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning practice questions
8 - ETS official GRE verbal practice questions
9 - ETS GRE BIG Book which include 27 test with answers
10 - Manhattan preparation GRE Flash cards (1003 pages)
11 - 501 series which include:-
501 Critical reasoning questions
501 Reading comphrension questions
501 Grammar and Writing questions
501 Sentence completion questions
501 Synonyms and Antonyms Questions
12 - GRE verbal made easy by barron
13 - Word lists by majortest. com (15 pdfs)
14 - Common error in english usage
15 - Manhattan preparation 5lb book of GRE practice problems.
16 - The Ultimate Guide to GRE Alzebra which include 700 real GRE questions with lucid analysis.
Arithmetic which include 1250 real GRE questions with detailed explanation.
17 - Magoosh GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards.
18 - Master the GRE CAT by Acro Petersons.
19 - Wren and Martin
20 - RS Aggarwal Quantitative aptitude
21 - ETS paper based revised GRE practice Book.
22 - Mcgraw's Hills GRE premium total test preparation program 6 practice tests.
23 - Novas GRE maths Bible
24 - Word Power made easy
25 - SP Bakshi objective General English
26 - Kaplan GRE writing workbook- 3rd edition ( 844 pages)
27 - 15000 useful phrases.
28 - Magoosh Complete Quant covering 900+ questions with detailed answers.
29 - 501 Word analogy and Writing Prompts.
30 - Wiley English
31 - 3 model question papers of GRE by Ramki's Ultimate Guide.
32 - Magoosh 580+ Quant Questions with answers
33 - Barrons GRE high frequency 333 words Vocabulary list.
34 - 100+ Novels
35 - English Grammar secrets by Caroline Brown and Pearson Brown
36 - Manhattan preparation 500 Advanced words Flash cards.
37 - Kaplan GRE verbal book
38 - The Princeton Review word smart for the GRE.
39 - Memory techniques by Krupa
40 - Magoosh basic videos of Verbal,Quant,Awa etc
41 - The Ultimate Guide to Analytical Writing which include:-
* Essays on Issues - Lesson and Model essays on 50 Topics
* Essays on Arguments - Lesson and model essays on 10 topics.
42 - Sample SOP and LOR
43 - list of Universities which accept GRE.
44 - Barrons Audio Vocabulary ( 14 audio clips)
45 - Kaplan writing topics
46 - ETS mathematical conventions for the Quantitative Reasoning Book
47 - The GRE uncovered - Introduction to GRE by Manhattan
48 - Flash cards of Barron 3200
49 - Magoosh 1000 pdf of common high Frequency words.
50 - 501 Quantitative Reasoning questions with answers
51 - 1000 Reading comphrension
1000 Sentence correction
52 - RC 99 by Aristotle
53 - Ace the GRE writing Assessment by Acro Petersons
54 - VISA Preparation
55 - Vocabulary with Pictures
56 - KAPLAN Quantitative Reasoning
57 - Cliffs Test preparation GRE CBT ( 6th edition)
58 - Guide to Geometry which include 8 identified categories with 1240 authentic examples.
59 - Barrons GRE common prefix with meaning and illustrations.
60 - Ample amount of practice materials for AWA and verbal.
61 - Aristotle GRE verbal GRAIL.
62 - Nova's GRE prepartion course
63 - Princeton new GRE verbal workout
64 - Ramki's The Ultimate Guide to Verbal reasoning which include:-
Reading comphrension - 380 real GRE questions with answers
Text completion - 435 real GRE questions with answers
Sentence Equivalence -120 real GRE questions with answers
65 - Magoosh Complete guide to Vocabulary
66 - Barrons 6 GRE practice tests.
67 - Kaplan GRE Premier with 6 practice tests.
68 - ETS GRE general Test Practice book
69 - Manhattan prepartion 500 Maths flash Cards (998 pages)
70 - GRE full tests for Practice ( 36 Tests with answers)
71 - 1014 Practice questions for the new GRE by Princeton Review
72 - Manhattan New text completion supplement
73 - A student's introduction to English Grammar by Rodney Huddleston and Geoffre K Pullum.
+ 100 more things.
74 Others include 100+ novels
75 Audio books
76 - VISA application forms
77 - SOP and LOR recommendations (20+)
78 - Quant and Finance Notes
Anything else you can imagine. The list is updated and you will get updates free forever.
+ All Credit Cards and Debit Cards
The cost is 200 Rupees for all the PDFs. It will save all the time in the world for you. Enjoy.