ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!
ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!
ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!
ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!
ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!
ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!

ALL THE GRE, GMAT and IELTS Preparation Material You'll Ever Need!

Regular price
Rs. 300.00
Sale price
Rs. 200.00

If you prefer self study and looking for good study materials for your preparation that can fetch you a good score in GRE then have a look on the below mentioned materials. I assure the quality of the materials is top notch. I'll refund the money if pdfs are missing. You'll get the recently updated material as well(If any).

Pdfs include:-

1 - The Princeton Review - Cracking the GRE premium 2018 edition

2 - Manhattan latest - 4th edition (8 books)

3 - Barrons new GRE 19th edition

4 - Kaplan GRE preparation 2019 - latest edition.

5 - Grubers Complete GRE Guide - 4th edition.

6 - ETS official Guide to GRE

7 - ETS Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning practice questions

8 - ETS official GRE verbal practice questions

9 - ETS GRE BIG Book which include 27 test with answers

10 - Manhattan preparation GRE Flash cards (1003 pages)

11 - 501 series which include:-

501 Critical reasoning questions

501 Reading comphrension questions

501 Grammar and Writing questions

501 Sentence completion questions

501 Synonyms and Antonyms Questions

12 - GRE verbal made easy by barron

13 - Word lists by majortest. com (15 pdfs)

14 - Common error in english usage

15 - Manhattan preparation 5lb book of GRE practice problems.

16 - The Ultimate Guide to GRE Alzebra which include 700 real GRE questions with lucid analysis.

Arithmetic which include 1250 real GRE questions with detailed explanation.

17 - Magoosh GRE Vocabulary Flash Cards.

18 - Master the GRE CAT by Acro Petersons.

19 - Wren and Martin

20 - RS Aggarwal Quantitative aptitude

21 - ETS paper based revised GRE practice Book.

22 - Mcgraw's Hills GRE premium total test preparation program 6 practice tests.

23 - Novas GRE maths Bible

24 - Word Power made easy

25 - SP Bakshi objective General English

26 - Kaplan GRE writing workbook- 3rd edition ( 844 pages)

27 - 15000 useful phrases.

28 - Magoosh Complete Quant covering 900+ questions with detailed answers.

29 - 501 Word analogy and Writing Prompts.

30 - Wiley English

31 - 3 model question papers of GRE by Ramki's Ultimate Guide.

32 - Magoosh 580+ Quant Questions with answers

33 - Barrons GRE high frequency 333 words Vocabulary list.

34 - 100+ Novels

35 - English Grammar secrets by Caroline Brown and Pearson Brown

36 - Manhattan preparation 500 Advanced words Flash cards.

37 - Kaplan GRE verbal book

38 - The Princeton Review word smart for the GRE.

39 - Memory techniques by Krupa

40 - Magoosh basic videos of Verbal,Quant,Awa etc

41 - The Ultimate Guide to Analytical Writing which include:-

* Essays on Issues - Lesson and Model essays on 50 Topics

* Essays on Arguments - Lesson and model essays on 10 topics.

42 - Sample SOP and LOR

43 - list of Universities which accept GRE.

44 - Barrons Audio Vocabulary ( 14 audio clips)

45 - Kaplan writing topics

46 - ETS mathematical conventions for the Quantitative Reasoning Book

47 - The GRE uncovered - Introduction to GRE by Manhattan

48 - Flash cards of Barron 3200

49 - Magoosh 1000 pdf of common high Frequency words.

50 - 501 Quantitative Reasoning questions with answers

51 - 1000 Reading comphrension

1000 Sentence correction

52 - RC 99 by Aristotle

53 - Ace the GRE writing Assessment by Acro Petersons

54 - VISA Preparation

55 - Vocabulary with Pictures

56 - KAPLAN Quantitative Reasoning

57 - Cliffs Test preparation GRE CBT ( 6th edition)

58 - Guide to Geometry which include 8 identified categories with 1240 authentic examples.

59 - Barrons GRE common prefix with meaning and illustrations.

60 - Ample amount of practice materials for AWA and verbal.

61 - Aristotle GRE verbal GRAIL.

62 - Nova's GRE prepartion course

63 - Princeton new GRE verbal workout

64 - Ramki's The Ultimate Guide to Verbal reasoning which include:-

Reading comphrension - 380 real GRE questions with answers

Text completion - 435 real GRE questions with answers

Sentence Equivalence -120 real GRE questions with answers

65 - Magoosh Complete guide to Vocabulary

66 - Barrons 6 GRE practice tests.

67 - Kaplan GRE Premier with 6 practice tests.

68 - ETS GRE general Test Practice book

69 - Manhattan prepartion 500 Maths flash Cards (998 pages)

70 - GRE full tests for Practice ( 36 Tests with answers)

71 - 1014 Practice questions for the new GRE by Princeton Review

72 - Manhattan New text completion supplement

73 - A student's introduction to English Grammar by Rodney Huddleston and Geoffre K Pullum.

+  100 more things. 

74 Others include 100+ novels

75 Audio books

76 - VISA application forms

77 - SOP and LOR recommendations (20+)

78 - Quant and Finance Notes


Anything else you can imagine. The list is updated and you will get updates free forever.


+ All Credit Cards and Debit Cards

The cost is 200 Rupees for all the PDFs. It will save all the time in the world for you. Enjoy.